Friday, August 31, 2007

White Wine Sangria

I found it!!!! I have been looking for this recipe for MONTHS!!!! I was cleaning up a few more things in the kitchen, waiting on Paula and Mike to get here and I thought, hhmmmm, what about that file I started????? And so I looked and there it was!!!

750ml white wine
6 oz frozen raspberry lemonade, thawed
6 oz pineapple juice
1/2 cup rum
1/2 cup triple sec
2 cups 7up

mix it all together, throw in some diced fruits, green apples, strawberries, fresh pineapple, etc....etc....



Paula said...

This will totally knock you on your butt...but it was yummy!!

~ej said...

oooh yum...i'm gonna try this. i always made my sangria with red wine, but it kills my head. and imo, it's the triple sec that makes the taste....